Poison - Preorder

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Product Information

PREORDER: Poison Dice Set – Enter a realm of subtle danger with this 7-piece acrylic set featuring an alluring green swirl. The mesmerizing patterns evoke the essence of a potent elixir, as each die is a vessel of intrigue and strategy. Adorned with crisp white lettering, each roll with the "Poison" set is a sip from a dice-shaped vial, inviting you to infuse your tabletop adventures with a touch of mystery and strategic cunning. 🎲🌿💀✨ Every set comes with a Mimic Box! Preoders will ship when the Mimic Dice Kickstarter fulfills starting in October 2023. Check the Kickstarter for updates!


Custom Tuckbox

Meet The Mimic

Every set comes in a Mimic Tuckbox!

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